
July 21, 2008

American Fork Steele Days 5K

Piece of Cake? 

Would have been if 5 minutes in to it I hadn't gotten a blister the size of a quarter that filled my white Iverson's up with blood. As I digress from the bloody memory, I realize it was all worth it; any little bit helps for cancer research. The girls in my family went. My mom, Rachael (My brother's fiance' the one below pushing out her chest for the camera), Charese (My cousin Dillen Colt's wife, bottom pic) and me. I can't forget to mention Frederick; he was a trooper ribbons and all. My dad waited at the finish line to take photos of our triumph. After the race, we went to the parade and hung out at the car show for a bit. We also didn't forget to grab one of the best corn dogs @ the carnival and managed to avoid the carni-freaks. One complaint regarding Steele Days: The American Fork City Council sucks elephant balls for voting against having the burn-outs this year. 


  1. we girls ROCKS!!! woo woo and so does fredrick, you r such a trooper for not quiting even thou you were bleeding all over yur shoe,ouch!

  2. My does look great! She's lost almost 25 lbs. She is my hero!


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