
October 9, 2008

I can say hands down that this was definitely the best birthday I’ve ever had. I was surrounded by everyone I love minus a few.

Saturday, October 4th: Tyrone and my family threw a kick-ass party for me. Scary movie and bowling – what more could I ask for.The Theme“Come dressed as what you wanted to be when you were a kid” As I’ve mentioned before I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer when I was really little. I also wanted to be one of thBarbie and the Rockers. Those were the coolest Barbies back in the day. My costume has a bit of that essence as well. There is no way I would put on a leotard right now! Tyrone wanted to be a race car driver, my mom was a model, my dad (so original) wore a post it note that said "Frankie ” on it. He said he always wanted to be his dad growing up. My BFF, Jeni, came dressed as a rocker which kind of resembles Rod Stewart in drag, but she was still hot. And her hubby, Vinny, came dressed as a Red Sox Baseball player. My cousin’s Dillen Colt & Cherice, were a dancer and a sheriff. Tyrone ’s mom was a two-time Oscar winning actress and his sister, April , came as a “Hot Blonde”. She is always hot though. My brother came as a college student and his fiancé Rachael came as a nurse.


Sunday, October 5th: We went to Octoberfest @ Snowbird. Nothing like getting to know your heritage a little more; my birth name is Snyder . If that’s not a German last name I don’t know what is. It was so fun watching all of the people in their lederhosen dancing and singing. The food was to DIE for. I had the best German Chocolate I have EVER had. Sadly the beer wasn’t anything to brag about. I thought that was a big part of Octoberfest – German Beer Festival??

Monday, October 6th: My parents took me out to lunch to Five Guys. They had never been there before, so they had to try their amazing burgers. After, 

we went treasure shopping @ the D.I. (Deseret Industries). I absolutely love thrift store shopping. Sometimes you go and you don’t find anything but when you do it’s a great experience. To top the day off I made the best spaghetti and meatballs ever. 


Tuesday, October 7th: The day that officially booted me out of my twenties for eternity.

I wanted to be all bummed and depressed but Tyrone wouldn’t have any of that. He totally spoiled me. That morning we woke up and had an hour long couple’s massage. It was so nice. After we went shopping and then we went to the Weezer concert. I’ve always wanted to see them in concert and Tyrone had surprised me with tickets. They were fun to watch. Angels & Airwaves opened up for them. They were really good too. I think I might like them better than when they were with Blink-182. I had no idea this was possible but it was damn cool to see some wheelchair crowdsurfing during the show. (see pic below)

I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing of a time I have had these past few days.

I love you Tyrone . You are my favoritest person in the whole wide world.


  1. hot diggity dog! Yes, last frame lynn's pete rose got us yelled at, then kicked out. It was scary...
    P.s. your still hot for a 30 year old!

  2. 30 and still able to get kicked out of places for being to rowdy. How can you feel old after that?


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