
November 13, 2008


I wanted to take a little time to say a few things about an amazing artist that I’ve had an opportunity to get to know. He is totally hard core and will kick your ass with how amazing he is. Here are a few of his bad-ass stencil pieces. I feel that I can show these with out his permission because they are hanging on my walls. He has done a bunch of other pieces that are incredible; Take my word! The first one is of Tyrone if you couldn’t tell and of course is my favorite one. Hopefully shortly I will be able to direct to somewhere you can see all of his stuff. If any of this sparks your attention, you can check him out on Myspace for now. He works under the name UGLYSHEEP and is listed on my top friends. He is one of Tyrone ’s best friends.


Be amazed…

*Please forgive the horrible photography

Stuck in my head all day

Today I woke up singing the theme song to the 1979 hit show The Facts of Life. Don’t ask!

November 9, 2008

Finished another book

Just finished this today. Loved it! I guess there is controversy over whether is it true or not. Read it as if it is fiction; it will be delightful. It's not kid friendly so don't be reading it to the kiddies for bed time stories. And if you're squeamish of the all forbidden "F" word DON'T read it. Although if you can let that go just this once it may be nice to try something different; just a thought.

November 6, 2008

Personal Declaration

I will not be captive by fear
I will not let it run my life
I will not let it sway my judgement
or point any fingers
I can admit that I am not perfect and
that I am not worthy to cast any stones
I will not trust in man
especially one behind a pulpit
but only in God
I believe that his arms will hold me tight
through the fire and the snow
I believe his will is now
and there is nothing to be afraid of
He alone truly knows my heart and 
He alone I give mine to.
