
March 19, 2009

36 Hours To Go!

I have had the worst butterflies all day today. I am running the Moab Canyonlands 1/2 marathon in 36 hrs. Last night I had a hard time running but my time wasn't too bad. 13.1 miles is a little intimidating. I guess I'll have to suck it up though. It's a good thing there are EMT's there since I will need them when I start rolling down the canyon. I am looking forward to running next to the river though. At least it will be beautiful. I also have to mention that both Tyrone and I have never been to Moab so it should be fun for us and Frederick too. We are taking him with us; sneaking him in the hotel room and getting kicked out of the park where the finish line is and where dogs are NOT allowed. Boo! "Oh well" as Tyrone would put it. That's what I love so much about Ty he's so easy going. 

Please pray for Jenni and I this Saturday between 10am-1pm. Thanks!

I thought about this at work today trying to take my mind off things. Plus since I am talking about something I will be glad to say that I have accomplished in life. I thought I would make this list.

Stuff I hope NOT to do Before I Die:


  1. Never visit NY city
  2. Be proud to be ignorant of something
  3. Become infertile
  4. Never quite my job
  5. Run out of my Burt ’s Bees chap stick
  6. Become a nagging wife
  7. Get caught naked in public
  8. Lose my creative gene
  9. Become old mentally
  10. Lose my spouse. I want to go first.

BTW, I have good news to report about work but I will do that when we get back from Moab. 

One more thing, I just have to post this pic of Ty. This is one of the first pics of Ty he sent me when we were first dating LONG before we moved in together. He was very proud of it. He's wearing a Tyrone or Ty-ranasaurus Dinosaur T-shirt that I think was from when he was a kid. Too adorable! 


  1. good luck tomorrow!!!! oh and i love ty's shirt its a lil tight. but have fun in moab!!

  2. Moab is so so so so wonderful! It holds a little piece of my heart. You know there are animal friendly hotels in Moab, right? If you get kicked out of the one you're in go to one of those. Where are staying anyway?

    I hope you win the race! Is there winners? I hope you make it out safe, I think is more appropriate. GOOD LUCK!

  3. btw... you DID great!! What an accomplishment - something that the majority of us never even attempt. I got all teary-eyed when you and Jen ran by. GREAT JOB!! love ya~

  4. Congrats on finishing the race! NOw get ready for the other half in October!

  5. Thanks to everyone for your wonderful comments!


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