
July 7, 2010

Independence Weekend pt. 2

{Warning this is a jammed packed picture post}

On the 4th we decided get up off our buns and go for a hike - one that Ty had been on before and one that I had never been on. We drove all of the way out to Grantsville (west of where we live). It was somewhere by the Deseret Peak hiking trail. That is the trail we had directions for but some how we don't think we actually ended up on it. Whatever trail we did find was pretty gorgeous and ran sort of like a roller coaster. Half way through the hike we let Fred off of his leash and he trotted in front like he was the leader of the pack. He's grown so much, he's starting to listen better, he trotted just enough ahead of us so that we could see him the whole time. He was so happy to be free. The breeze was blowing just enough to keep us all cool yet it was hot enough we ended up with a little bit of sun damage to our cheeks. The sky in all of these pics ended up so incredible. I gasped when I uploaded them on Monday night. I didn't adjust a single one of these photos I swear. I totally lucked out and it was very hard to pick which ones to post so I'm posting most of them.
{a flat tire didn't even slow us down}


  1. Your pictures are gorgeous! And that skull face in the rock is pretty bitchin'.

  2. We thought the skull face in the rock was pretty cool too. I'm glad I found it!


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