
August 31, 2010

So gracious

I have to mention how awesome my cousin Kendahl is. She gave me such an awesome shout out on her blog last week or so. If you don't know who she is she is the most kick-ass stepmom in the world. The ENTIRE world. No joke. If you haven't done so check out her blog HERE and let her know how cool she is. She does these pretty awesome "getting to know you" posts that I really enjoy reading and not just because we're related.
Thanks Stepmom Extraordinaire - Love your guts!!
*My Weekly Confessional is coming a little later this morning, stay tuned. It just might possiby be a good one.
**By they way, you can buy that cupcake magnet pictured above in my Shop if you happened to be drooling over it - just thought I would mention it.


  1. Awww, thanks! Now I feel all warm and tingly inside. :)

    I have worn the feather clip a total of four times already, and have gotten compliments on it every single time. I've been directing people your way all over the place. Hope they all buy one hundred things from you. :D

  2. Thanks for pimping me out---just don't pimp slap me if I get out of hand! :)


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