
December 11, 2010

The Holiday Card

In all it's glory.

Oh man this was a chore and a half to accomplish.

I'll tell the story later.

Hopefully they will make it in the mail by Monday.


  1. Now THAT is cool!!! (Stopping by from the Lady Bloggers Tea . . . nice to meet you!) Can't wait to hear the story of this - I think it is fantastic and something I would LOVE to give (and receive)!

  2. Hey Brandy, thanks for visiting my blog - I thought I should check yours out, too, and immediately added it to my reader. I definitely share your taste of music any music-wise I'm pretty sure I should have been born earlier, too.
    Love this Christmas message - the penguin is so cute!

  3. DUDE!!! That penguin is the SHIT! Where is that? I need a picture of it.

    Also, you look adorable. And your little family is so cute.

  4. Kendahl - the penguin is on the side of this out of business coffee shop called Baxter's on state street just north of 21st south. Thanks dude I love me family too!

    Thanks for visiting sabrinadankel. I appreciate you stopping by and I love meeting people who have the same taste in music as I do.

    Thanks Anika!

    Hi Leanne thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment!

  5. Love the penguin!

    Hopping over from Lady Bloggers:)

  6. You guys might seriously be my favorite family. :)


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