
December 21, 2010

Weekly Confessional - the pressure is building

Last night I cleaned my stove off. It had not been cleaned since I had cooked for Thanksgiving.


Random confession that I seriously considered: Buying mouse traps to use as gift tags and setting them off right before we handed the gifts to their recipients. I think that would have gone over really well.

Plus, hand making the gifts this year isn't panning out the way I had hoped. I am a little bummed but I have not been able to find enough time. Yet, when I look back on the last few weeks I can't think of a damn thing that I have accomplished.


The next few days until January, blogging around here may be sparse or it might not. I have to see how things go with the bloody Holidays and all. You know what I mean? I suppose no one will be around to read it anyways since they will be busy too. Right?

Last night I almost curled up into the fetal position in the middle of Hobby Lobby because they didn't have anything I went there for. Following that near episode I came home to a broken printer. I have my "real" gift tags designed and ready to print but no working printer. Fuckingfantastic!

Anyone know where you can buy those old plastic alphabet magnets? I have looked every where and cannot find them in any stores. I am way too late to order them online at this point. I did find some lame wooden ones at the dollar store that will have to do.

This was a bit random - I apologize. Today is my Friday at work though so that's a positive note. No sleep till Brooklyn...or No work till Monday :)

I do happen to understand there are people at there with bigger problems me.


  1. I know what you mean! I was going to make a calendar for my Grandma and haven't gotten to it either... As far as the letter magnets, have you tried someplace like Toy 'R Us?

  2. I've gotten the letter magnets at Wal-Mart, but it was awhile ago. They were in the toy section, but kind of where they have the random, cheap dollar toys. Good luck! ;)

  3. Thanks ladies. I have tried Walmart and Toys R Us and Target and all craft stores. Oh well.

    One of these years I am going to accomplish all of the goals I set for myself.

  4. Oh, I was going to say Target too...just got mine there. Yeah, this time gets to be crunch time. I find that booze helps take off the edge. Good luck!


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