
February 10, 2011

Smile for your Sears Portrait, Honey!

Let me say that when these headbands (crotchet flower headbands) were first busting the seams of the fashion industry of small towns (Utah especially) every where I did think they were cute and briefly thought of ways to make my own and even possibly sell them. Before I could even pull my crotchet needle out of my "earth-friendly" beige tote, they were on every Etsy site imaginable. When I first saw them my mom had pointed them out to me in a couple of American Fork Main Street boutiques, which should have been my first clue that it was a bad idea. Not because my mom had pointed them out but for that later reason.
I like the idea of a crotchet headband because I love to crotchet and the addition of that GIANT crocheted flower was tempting but when I finally made the comparison that every woman walking around with one looked just like a baby girl that had just had her One Year Sears portrait done I could NOT bring myself to wearing one of those things.
Correction: We don't use Sears anymore do we? We just use our "creative" sister-in-law, aunt, neighbor posing as a professional photographer now days. It's resourceful I get it. I AM that "creative" sister-in-law so don't think I'm bashing on the idea.
The comparison is ridiculous. They're not cute. They make you look like a two year old. You might as well have just pulled off one of the silk flower bulbs from the bouquet sitting in your family room window and stuck it to your forehead with a dab of honey. And while you're at it don't forget your matching pink tank top with lace on the bottom.
{maybe this will be the post that will finally win me some hate mail}
{for those not familiar with clicking on a contact link can email me here:}
{if the crotchet flower picture above is yours - my apologies - i thought it best that I didn't link back to your site in order not to call you out personally - I'm sure you're a lovely person.}


Lovers & haters alike, feedback is encouraged.