
June 16, 2011

Junk Hunt

some recent finds
This lovely needle point that was left unfinished from what I can tell or at least it wasn't framed yet. There are some pretty cheesy ones out there but this one I couldn't pass up.
Boy scouts den leader shirt - let's hope it wasn't from a pedophile

Thin braided gray belt


  1. That needlepoint is really pretty but I couldn't help from getting distracted by the Wonder Woman bobby pin. I love that. Also, watch out when you wear that shirt - you may have little boys following you around like the Pied Piper. (Is that even the right nursery rhyme reference? I have no idea.)

  2. Cool finds! I used to do a lot of needlework and am sure somewhere buried in a box are some unfinished pieces. Never knew someone might want them! ; )

    Ewwww... just the thought would make me wash that thing in bleach!

  3. Cool finds! I used to do a lot of needlework and am sure somewhere buried in a box are some unfinished pieces. Never knew someone might want them! ; )

    Ewwww... just the thought would make me wash that thing in bleach!


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