
June 1, 2011

Weekly Confessional

I pretty much just did this all day. Well, that and make necklaces. If you know me, you know I love Buffy. I had the entire day off ALL TO MYSELF and it was incredibly grand. There is never enough of days like this. Can I get a uh huh?!!

It's also possible that I lost my mind a little bit this holiday weekend as well.

I hope everyone's was as nice as ours or better for that matter.

Also, it's freaking June already, FTW??!!

Happy Hump Day!

Did you see The Shop update?


  1. Ohmygah, you have no idea how jealous I am of you! I'd kill to have an entire day all to myself! Anyenvious, hope you had a great day! Now I'm off to the shop to check out the new stuff!

  2. I ♥ Buffy. I wish vampires could still be that hot and not all sparkly and stuff.

  3. LOVE Buffy and would sing it from the highest mountain top! Did you read the Season 8 in comic form? Really, I love anything Joss Whedon. I love that we can share in this... it makes me wish we lived closer ;)

  4. What a fab day! It's always the best to have a day to yourself, my guilty pleasure is Lifetime movies (insert shame here). Although, I could stare at Angel all day, don't get me wrong...

    Seriously, cannot believe that it's June!! Ridiculous!

  5. Not getting a "uh huh" from me but a "WTF you too?? *sigh*".
    BUT, you need to check out Dr. Horrible's sing-a-long blog. Joss Wheadon, creater of Buffy did it. It's horribly awesome.

  6. I have Dr. Horrible's sing along blog in my Netflix que. I am stoked to watch it.


Lovers & haters alike, feedback is encouraged.