My favorite app on my phone next to my horror movie soundboard app is spring pad. My anal side loves lists and keeping track of reminders and wish list items. I can do it all in one place with this app. This is sounding like some sponsored post but I can assure it's not. The only offers this blog get are the shady kind and are truly not into sponsoring this silly blog at all.
I'm watching 80's movies (my fav - the breakfast club) and scheduling a bunch of posts for next week right now while doing laundry and taking care of my sick puppy. I think he got a bit of the heat stroke. I have some freak flags to make today that MUST go out tomorrow. Besides my boho feather hair clips, I think what makes me most proud to sell our my freak flags. The fact that there are other people out there who "get it" couldn't make me more happy. I have some more designs I want to do with them and can't wait to get them up in the shop. I have to get this all done before Tyrone gets home from work so we can head to Idaho again. Sigh.
Isn't John Cusack the cutest? He was so young in sixteen candles. Click the link to see one of my favorite tee shirt revamps.
You had me at 'lists'. I'm downloading it right now. I've been looking for something like this for awhile now, so hopefully this fills my need! :)