
July 7, 2011

Independence Weekend part 3

weber canyon (it's been uncharacteristically green this year in UT)
Towards the end of our road trip we decided to stop at a cantina in Park City to eat dinner. It was delicious, nice and relaxing. We left satisfied, fat and happy. We talked about staying in town to watch their city's firework show but ended up deciding to see Sugarhouse park's with my brother in-law and sister in-law's family. We ended up back home just in time to relax before we headed to the park. As soon as my fat ass stood up out of the car I panicked. I realized I had left my purse back in Park City. It's about 20-25 minutes away from our house and up Parley's canyon. I think Tyrone may have cursed me and kicked the dog in anger but I didn't notice because I blacked out from all of the rage. Embarrassment set in after I decided to dial the restaurant to see if they would hold it for me. Thank GOD no one grabbed it and the nice waiter even offered to bring it down to us because apparently he lived in Murray too. I could not let him do that on July 4th - I already ruined our night so I told him it wasn't necessary. The selfish side of me wanted to let him but I just couldn't. When Tyrone's anger had finally subsided he said he could pick it up on his way home from work since he has been working in Park City the past few weeks. It sounded perfect but for some reason we decided to drive back up and grab it. It ended up working out (you already know this if you follow me on twitter) because we decided to stay for their firework show. We set up our blanket on some corner with a bunch of strangers and had a great time. We even shared our sparklers with them. Not me, because I'm not a big sharer or big on making eye contact with people I don't know. It was all Tyrone's doing because he's outgoing and nice like that.
he was hiding under the blanket - not because he's scared of the fireworks, he's actually really good around them other than when he's trying to bite and or fight them, he doesn't like the rain and it was sprinkling a bit

I wasn't able to capture a single decent picture of a firework but you can see some nice ones here


  1. I'm jealous you went to park city to see the fireworks - i begged dillon to take me up there and he said NO:( I love it up there and want to go back NOW!

  2. I just love your hair. Really, it's freaking awesome.

  3. Thanks for the link!!! Your hair is looking great!

  4. She-she next year we should all go up there and see them.


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