
July 23, 2011

Major Cupcake Fail

I don't want to talk trash on the person that came up with this recipe because I actually admire and love what this person does but this recipe did not work out for me. I'm all about full disclosure so I would be the first to tell you if I think I missed a step but I didn't. I followed the recipe to a T. Whatever sort of comfort that's suppose to bring to you. I should have known when I didn't need to add any eggs to it. Excluding the butter in the frosting they are pretty much vegan which intrigued me. The recipe warns that the batter is really wet but that made the cupcake liners almost impossible to remove. The tops were crunchy and the middle was soggy. ALSO they made my tongue tingle. I don't think they were suppose to do that. Tyrone was dry-heaving over the sink after he tried them. Not a good sign. By the time the second batch came out I was so mad I just dumped them out on top of the first batch.

The frosting is EXCELLENT especially when I added a bit of vanilla to it. Now I just need a better pink lemonade cupcake recipe so that I can rub this frosting all over my body them.


  1. Can I give you a super easy way to make them? And both times I've made them, they've turned out PERFECT for me.

    1 box white cake mix + all of the stuff listed on the box
    Powder pink lemonade mix

    Take the water you're supposed to add to the mix, and dump the pink lemonade powder in. I put a lot in to make the taste pretty strong but how much is entirely up to you. Basically, I added as much as I could with it still dissolving in the water. Then follow the instructions on the box. Voila! They are yummy and stupid easy. And you've got a frosting recipe already so there you go. :)

  2. Dawn- I know I am such a failure.

    Kendahl-thx for the recipe i will have to try that for sure

  3. Uh huh. Cause you've SEEN my attempts. Yours were at least still edible.

  4. Hmmmm... Tongue tingling... Not a really a good thing????

  5. I got that vegan Babycakes cookbook and made some $150.00 cupcakes. I think you have to be a vegan for a long time to enjoy them. I ended up giving them all away and calling them "expensive and odd". I was a baker at a cake/cupcake shop for awhile and guess have concluded that butter and sugar are pretty much key for my desired result.

  6. I've posted a pink lemonade cupcake recipe on my blog before
    (, and I think these ones are fantastic and easy to make!
    We all have baking failures now and again, so don't worry :)


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