
July 26, 2011

Today's Post-It Note

Pink Lemonade Cupcakes - It was a grueling task but one I managed to accomplish late the other night. I had a little help from my girl power-less (JOKE) play list which consists of Amy Whinehouse, Florence + The Machine, Adele, and Lady Gaga. It was nice to listen to Amy's Back to Black album because I had not done it in awhile. I remember when I bought that CD. It was during a rebellious (for lack of a better word) phase. I had gotten out of a horrible three year relationship that had me so twisted, I was living on my own, very single, and I had just met Tyrone. (The timeline is still a bit foggy.) Tyrone said once that when he met me he could tell I was in a bit of a "downward spiral". I asked him why he pursued dating me then if I was in such a mess and he replied ever so perfectly. (maybe I'll tell you what he said someday). Her songs remind me of that time and I remember loving every bit of that album. I listened to it repeatedly for quite a long time. I loved her honesty in her lyrics. I'm sad that she is gone, I won't lie about that. Some may think that she doesn't deserve any sympathy because of her lifestyle but I highly disagree with that. Many artists, of all kinds, out there have some sort of dark history or darkness that lingers inside of them. Some are worse than others and some are more public than others. Some have had the strength to move on and grow from theirs and others don't, for many reasons. Her music touched me in a prominent time in my life and I'll never forget it and I will be forever grateful.
*straighten (I want to try this)
* I have a silly plan for my hair (It's current state is orange-blonde-pink). I want to dye it a dark cherry or maroon-ish and the by Winter I want to be Back to Black (nothing to do with what I previously just talked about). I should have been born with black hair it's just seems natural for me to have and what I feel the best with.

Post Chicken Curry Recipe - I finally cooked this recipe and it was really good. I used a mixture of a few recipes and I want to share it on here soon.
Get up earlier - I really want to try and start getting up a lot earlier than I need to. I want come up with some sort of morning routine that doesn't involve me running through the house naked trying to find something to wear, taking Fred out to potty and forgetting to let him back in, and maybe actually putting some mascara on IN MY BATHROOM MIRROR and not in the rear view mirror in my car. This will probably have to be accompanied by me going to bed earlier which will be rough and gives me a lot of anxiety. I think this is one of those things I need to start being a grown-up on.
Take pics of the new crap I found at the new Savers by my house. Some fall items that I was excited to find.
Surprise birthday gift - I have this really great gift idea in my head for someone but I'm not sure if I can pull it off. It's not spectacular or anything like that it's just something silly that I want to try.
Update Shop - Post all of the new vintage items laying on my floor that is prepped and ready to go in to The Shop. I'm such a procrastinator you guys. I'm not sure why I think I can have my own business someday.
Wash car - vacuum up the piles of dog hair and wipe the film off from the inside of my front windshield so that I can finally see through it. I think every pedestrian downtown would really appreciate this one.
Buy Creamer - I'm still having issues with creamer. It's still all too much to get into really. But I'll keep bringing up and being annoying vague on purpose because I'm a dick like that.


  1. i love making to do lists.
    looks like you've got some good projects to work on!
    good luck!

  2. i love making to do lists.
    looks like you've got some good projects to work on!
    good luck!

  3. The way you feel about your hair being black is the same way I feel about my hair being blonde. It should have been that way naturally, for sure. And I'd sure appreciate that chicken curry recipe! Although I found this incredible stuff at the Allens by my house - it's by Thai Kitchen and it's a red curry sauce that you just boil veggies and chicken in and IT IS INCREDIBLE. And super easy. I love it.


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