
December 30, 2011

Things I learned this year 2011

*To let go*
of anger
of bitterness
of pride
of the things I can't control
of other people's issues and realizing that I should not be brought down by

*Be nice*
to those around me
including a few certain co-workers
other people's friends
(still working on the whole being nice to strangers thing)

in relation to letting go of some bitterness I had to forgive which was
probably the hardest part of all
forgiveness sheds bitterness

in my instincts more
in my husband's compliments regarding my body
in God

*Giving in to*
the Jersey Shore - there's a force that pulls me in
doing what other people want to do
doctor's orders

buy low-waisted tights unless you lose 40 pounds (cuts into muffin top)
stop listening to my instincts
think that my husband and I can start a trending topic on Twitter because
it will fail
assume that you will commit to a 365 Photo Project cuz you won't

And when things that you can't control come your way just take a deep
breathe and remember that most of it doesn' really matter. And for those
really tough to deal with people there's always bashing in their heads with
your vintage handbag.

Repeat to self when needed; "This place/person/thing does NOT deserve
to get the best of me."

*Things I've stopped hoping for:*
Buying a house
Having a baby

*Looking to the future,*

In 2012 I want to:
Hike Zions (again)
Go to Disneyland
Take a trip down the west coast from Washington to California
Run a 5K
{one secret wish that I can't write about until it actually happens}

*Long Term:*
Open up a shop of vintage and handmade goods (consignment) that also
helps those in need on Sundays.
Get another dog

Here's to 2012!

What did you learn this year?

December 29, 2011

Junk Hunt

I've been accumulating a nice collection of vintage necklaces. I can't decide if I want to put them in The Shop or keep them. I got back and forth over this everyday.

December 27, 2011

2012 Planning

I sat in bed tonight and tried to do a little planning for the future for my shop, life and silly blog. After the craziness of the holidays it was nice to chill out and focus on the things I love in life.

For starters:

1. Write down one idea every day
2. Wear creative yet casual outfits at work for the last week of the year. We get to dress down for the rest of year and for the last few weeks I got pretty lazy about it. I want to try a little harder and end the year in a bang or small toot.
3. Read more (try for 30 min a day). Last year I sucked at reading and it makes me feel a little bad because I do actually love it a lot.
4. Write more.
5. Get Fred neutered.

And the list will continue to grow...

What are some of your plans and/or goals for the coming year?

December 26, 2011

What is that holiday called again?

Two things I knew I wanted to accomplish on Christmas was 1) take pictures with my Diana Mini 2) video record the entire day. I left my Diana Mini on my mantle at home and the videos that I did record turned out to be crap because I had my finger over the speaker the entire time. I was beyond pissed off. I got videos of my nephew to die over and a really great chat with my grandma. So MAD!! I plan on trying to put a little montage of them together but we'll have to see how that turns out.

Here is our Christmas in the few pictures I did take.

Friday. We went to go look at lights in rich people's neighborhoods which didn't turn out as well as my eight year old self imagined it would be. I use the term "we" loosely because really it was a cute little trip that included my mom and Tyrone only. My dad and I were just car ornaments. My mom even at one point told my dad because he's deaf that he doesn't count and to just keep driving. If he had feelings that would have probably been really mean of her to say.
 We dubbed him "Pull My Finger Santa Clause"

 We stopped in this toy store to warm up

"Tyrone stop humping the freaking laser nutcracker" 

A few pics around our tiny ass apartment home.
Fred's stocking is the only one that actually got filled. 

I had fun with the polka dot wrapping paper.
I used these print-outs from this site for the feather gift tags.


A few pics from my phone from Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas.
 Constant ridicule. 

 So I take a million more.

 at Tyrone's sister's house

 she's wearing the mittens I made her
(they were a big hit - unless everyone lied to me)

 my new cardigan
don't ask

December 20, 2011

Weekly Confessional: Taking a Blog Break


I'm going to be taking a blog break for the rest of the week. I have a
lot of crocheting and wrapping to do as well as a crap load of
cleaning to do. I also want time to spend with Tyrone and maybe go
look at lights in some rich people's neighborhood. Work has been
mind-suckingly busy and it has me drained by the time I get off. It's
been more rough than usual so I need a brain break as well.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and Happy Hanukah; I'll be back next week!


December 19, 2011

DIY gift card holder {last minute gift idea}

Remember making construction paper stalkings in grade school that you sewed together with yarn? Well this is very much the same thing.
1. Cut out two rectangle pieces out of paper of your choice that is about an inch or more larger than your gift card (nevermind the card I used is from walmart)
2. Hole punch all of the way around both edges of each rectangle together so they line up
3. Take yarn or string and thread through each hole all of the way around (don't forget to insert card before sewing all of the way up)

4. Address front and you are now done
(forgive any errors for I did this all on my phone)

December 17, 2011

Giving & Receiving {a sort of shopping guide}

Mostly this is about me receiving.

A few weeks ago I ordered a few things from a couple of my favorite online friends. I'm sharing this with you because I think it's nice to know what fellow online friends are into and to maybe spark some interest in you to check out their shops. I'll also be including links to other shops that I love and support.

Ms. Oh, Honestly Erin
Shop 1 & 2 & 3

Tyrone and I spent the night a few weeks ago reading every story that accompanies each of Erin's paintings. They are unique, clever, funny and interesting. I love art and enjoy it even more when I know a story behind it. I especially love these stories because they are well written and pure genius. Here are the stories of the two I picked up.
mary always did want to be a unicorn
Ever since Merry was a small gal, she had a soul-arresting kinship for unicorns. Rather than go to school dances, she would spend hours on the window seat of her bedroom, sketching pages of the majestic animals. 

Merry knew that, in her dream land, unicorns were the most regal creature one could aspire to be. Without that glistening spire, you were nothing better than a meager horse. Everyone knew that horses were left to haul plows in the fields while unicorns were fed candied apples by princesses and galloped across rainbows to other lands where slot machines hit the jackpot every time, growing marijuana was not illegal, and everyone sang like angels. (Just not Jessica Simpson. She will never sing like an angel. God, I hate her.)

After her 567th viewing of Legend, Merry could bear it no longer. Standing before her bedroom vanity, she punched straight through the mirror and watched numbly as the glass spiderwebbed. Oblivious to the blood dripping like sanguine jewels from her knuckles, she bent down and snatched up a piece of mirror that had landed softly at her feet. Honing the jagged shard into the shape of a perfect cone, and adrenaline pumping harder now than the time she watched her first porno, Merry struck the fat edge into her pate. It didn't take at first, her flesh tougher to pierce than she imagined. Grounding herself into the carpet, she fought against the double vision, hauling off and bashing the glass into her head with all her might.

Her mother found her three hours later, dead on the bedroom floor and, with arms akimbo, she sighed, "Well, Merry always did want to be a unicorn."

heart fart print
Cyrus desperately wants to puff some of his nutty love into your home. Little pink fart hearts trail in his wake.

Ms. Anika Toro

I have been admiring Anika's work ever since I met her online. Her photography is thought provoking and breath taking. I had to buy this calendar she designed. It is so clever I wish I would have come up with this idea, plus I thought it was a great idea to get a bunch of her work in one order. Every month is it's own note card and post card that you can tear off when the month is over. Incredible right? I snatched this up as soon as I saw it on her blog. Check out her photography and mixed media in her shop.

Ms. Kendahl Stepmom Extraordinaire

Kendahl is my cousin and that is not the reason why I am spotlighting her. She is very supportive of me and my blog and when no one else stops by to comment she almost always does and every time I see it, it puts a smile on my face. Her and her sister are the cutest two girls that would make any other woman puke but I love them and think they're so great. Kendahl has a scrap book supply shop on etsy that has the cutest stuff and for a great deal. I came home last night to a package from her and when I opened it I literally jumped up and down when the packets of Nesquick came pouring out of the envelope. It was such a cool surprise. Thanks Kendahl you rock so hard!

If you love beauty, handmade and work that has a lot of passion in it then you have to check out Beca and Doug's shop Tumbleweeds shop and their gorgeous shades. I think these are my favorite pair. I have an owl on my dresser that I purchased from them when they use to sell vintage goods. Check out her blog Tales of a Tumbleweed.

These girls are so inspiring, nice and original. They make some cool shit and are not your typical bloggers.

Kat is a local artist that I have admired ever since I saw her stuff at a local craft fair. She takes discarded art and "gives old art new death."

And more...My Pretty Zombie makeup, Honey from the Bee jewelry, School of Vintage, Pussycat Vintage, and Tall Glass of Water vintage goods.

Happy Shopping! Because I'm sure you're going to run out and check out everyone of these now just because I said so. I know it.