I put on blades for the first time in 3 years last week with Tyrone and Fred at the park and it was so much fun. I was really worried that I was going to come out of the whole ordeal crippled, but it turned out that it just renewed my love for it. I was pretty damn sore the next few days. I didn't wipe out once but this weekend on Easter was a different story (more on that later).
I made a plan at the beginning of March to start walking around the park after work everyday. The plan was to take workout clothes to work and go straight to the park after work. This was to help me fall into the pit that is my apartment which only makes me want to eat Little Debbie snacks because I think of the million things I have to do when I'm there. Anyways, it was an attempt to stay active and twice around is about 2.8 miles. I didn't want to blade because it was going to ruin my plan but now I don't think I'll go back to walking. It's funny that I have to motivate myself to walk when I use to run regularly. I can't even think about running right now. Bleck!!
Every crack I went over I was sure it was going to mean my face making out with the asphalt. .We had fun and plan to do it a lot more. I hope we actually stick to it.
oh people are cute aren't they? it really motivated I have to say
show off!
I was clearly more worried about how I looked than how well I was doing
now you're making me regret getting rid of my super old and dreadfully disgusting roller blades (probably could have washed them...). Dammit.