
June 19, 2012

Circle in the Sand...{DIY}

Muumuu Restyle

There are a ton of island style muumuus at the DI by my house. I mean a ton of them but they're all usually huge and not always vintage. I love them all though, and I would wear them everyday if I could get away with it. I don't however like how long they are. I found this one in a bright print that I couldn't pass up and decide to take the plunge and alter it it fit my body. I was a little worried because I had recently screwed up a really cute vintage dress by cutting it up way too much and I completely ruined it. I think I pictured it in a junk hunt post a long time ago and then never mentioned it again. I was sad that I killed such a cute dress but I got over it pretty quickly.

(a video to get you in the mood)

Are you feeling it?

This was fairly easy to alter. In short, I basically cut open the hem down each side of the dress from the armpit to the bottom hem, took it in a few inches with pins and re-sewed it back up each side. I finished it off by sewing a new bottom hem. It's pretty short. I wanted short but maybe not this short. I'll deal with it though because I really like it and think it will work out well for the hot weather. It will even look good with some colorful leggings in the fall and then I really won't have to worry about showing off my kooch to the world. This is when being short comes in handy we can get away with shorter shorts and skirts with out looking too scandalous. 

(these before pics are from my phone and really don't show just how big it was before but it's all I took so deal with it)


{shoes - thrifted, jersey necklace - DIY (similar here), shell necklace - thrifted, purse - thirfted, hand tooled leather wallet - thrifted}

similar diy


  1. I love how it turned out - and all the accessories are great with it. And I really love this neckline.I have not had a successful alteration of thrifted clothes in so long...

  2. cute effin shoes lv them!!!


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