Before we moved, back in the beginning of September I made these pillows for our bedroom. I love the trendy swiss cross print and have swooned over it for quite some time now but I couldn't afford most of the items I had my eyes on so I ventured over into crazy town and made my own. I mean, come on, someone who is moving in to their parent's house shouldn't be paying too much for a blanket (but I so very much want it)
I rummaged through the pile of fabric scraps I have accumulated and whipped up these beauties. OK that sounded very annoying. I didn't just whip them up all quick like a pro and what-not. They took me awhile to finally finish, trust me. My favorite one is the hand-stamp patterned rectangle shaped pillow. The blue one is really like a turquoise color and is made out of this soft vintage velvet fabric. The hardest one was the small square velvet and crocheted one. I had this small crochet square that from an old project that I had started but never finished. Sewing the velvet to the crocheted piece was challenging but it turned out alright. Anyways, five new pillows for a new bedroom in our "new" "home"
I had fun making yet another stamp for printing. I really like doing this and I have to say that I want to keep doing it but I more than like won't be hand-stamping anything soon.
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I love it! The hand-stamping looks so cute.