
September 21, 2013

7 Things

1. Last Saturday I spent the day at my brother's house with him and his family. It was really nice to hang out with them all day and spend time with my nephews. I love my nephews so much. Jax is getting so big and he is such a chill babe. He has stolen my heart. Hagen is 4 today and smarter than any other four year old know. I don't know any other four year olds [grin].

2. Loser status = me

3. I was on a mission a couple of weekends ago to find the Sephora X top coat even though I knew it was already sold out in most places. I thought I would get lucky but I didn't. I did find a China Glaze substitute but it hasn't quite satisfied me yet. You can see it above over a light pink polish. It's not chunky enough if that makes sense?

4. Last Thursday Fred had to go to the vet to get his shots. He's six now and still healthy as every. They always compliment him on his weight. He's always so lean and muscular. He was a bit nervous as you can see from the photo but he ended actually eating a treat out of the lady doctor's hand which he NEVER does. He is weird and won't eat treats when we're not home. Like if we go to the bank or the coffee shop and they give him a treat he won't touch it till we get home. Weirdo!

5. I finally have started building Krustyland in the Simpsons game. I just noticed today that some of the characters are carrying knives. Nice touch! If you play add me I'm zenmasterfl8.

6. Ty sent me this photo yesterday after he was playing fetch with Fred and letting me know that he almost got hit by a car again. Naughty doggy!

7. I love working downtown.


  1. Those littles are pretty cute.

    So, let me know if you end up getting that Sephora X topcoat before your birthday. No reason. Also, I need your new address. :)

    Fred is so cute. I just want to hug him. And that picture of your dad holding Jax... That's adorable.

  2. You have gotten me so hooked on that Simpsons game! I made my brother download it so I could have another friend and he was so pissed because he was showing a house yesterday and he said it was really quiet and all of a sudden, Homer started screaming from his pocket, hahahaha!


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