
January 10, 2014

A few of my favorite things

(How many blog posts are out there with that same title? I bet a billion-gazillion)

A few of my favorite things.

I love sharpening pencils, especially with an electric sharpener. Remember those manual ones that were screwed to a desk or the wall in grade school (if your my age or older) those drove me crazy because they would get shavings everywhere. And there was always the dumbass kid standing in front of you who could never sharpen his correctly or would sharpen it until it disappeared. This must have happened a lot to me as a child because I can clearly remember standing there with my hand on my hip rolling my eyes.

I only like to use rollerball pens. Gel pens can suck it.

Burts Bees anything


Local radio

Actual magazines

Live concerts

Others who understand sarcasm and are not easily offended.

Being naked. The older I get the more I hate wearing clothes all day. Right when I get home, I take Fred out and then once we're back inside I strip down.


I've been practicing the art of "not overreacting" at least not outwardly. It really tends to piss people off if you don't immediately get as hyped up as they are. I mean it really pisses them off and I really enjoy that feeling. (if you've ever wondered just how truly evil I can be there is an example)

When my nephew falls asleep on me

Police scanner radio apps

Making lists (I like this stupid one)

When Frederick falls asleep on me

Dove milk chocolate peanut butter promises, but the promises inside could go away and I wouldn't be sad.

1 comment:

  1. I have to use super fine point pens or it makes me crazy and gets ink all over me (not just my hand).

    I like lists, too. :)


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