
October 13, 2014


I'm finally an adult that doesn't care about their birthday and I mean that. Tyrone practically had to force me to do a family party. I just didn't care if we did anything or even if I got presents. I usually want all of the presents I can get my hands on. Since probably about the age of 33 I started to care less and less and finally this year came along and the caring had flittered away completely. All I wanted was to spend some time alone and go shopping. 

Tyrone cooked wings and we had our family over. My mom made me an entire chocolate eclair cake that I ate almost all by myself. I told Tyrone the cake wasn't for everyone so he ended up making cupcakes for everyone else. I'm certain I gained 8 pounds just last week.

The morning of my birthday we went to Publik coffee roasters because I've been wanting to try it. They serve coffee and toast. How perfect is that? It was really good too. They have various kinds of toast and I want to try them all. Tyrone and I had fun judging all of the creative, rich entrepreneurs that peppered the joint. It was a step above your local coffee shop and far above your Starbucks. I wanted to walk over to this bearded older gentleman with a Mac Book Pro sitting in front of him and the keys to a Cayenne Porsche what the fuck he did for a living and if he needed an assistant. The parking lot was full of Subarus and higher end SUVs, yet the place was very chill and had a great presence. Usually I would feel totally uncomfortable in a place like this but I didn't.

Later that day I went thrift shopping and bought some boots that my mom gave me some money to go towards. It was a perfect weekend leading up to a chill day. Mostly because I never changed out of my sweats. 

I woke up this morning a week later and realized my license has expired. Fuck.

1 comment:

  1. I want pretty coffee with lightning bolts! That's awesome.

    Your boots are sweet, too.


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