
January 26, 2015

Summer vibes

Yesterday we spent most of the day exchanging our new mattress from Ikea. It took all day because we needed a truck and that meant driving to American Fork to borrow my mom's. To AF, back to our apartment, down to Ikea, back to our apartment, return the truck to AF then finally back home. On our way down we stopped at Rubios for lunch and it was nearing 60 degrees and sunny as shit. So incredibly odd for January in Utah. It almost felt like Summer. Sitting in Rubios with its Baja palm tree decor helped a little and their amazing chicken tortilla soup. 

All day today I thought about that soup so I decided to make some for us to have for the next few days. 

Cilantro and lime has got to be one of the best flavor combos. 

Did I mention the first mattress we got was way too hard? (That's what she said) It was brutal. (That's what she said) I like it firm but only to a point (this is getting ridiculous-I'm a 12 year old boy) I didn't take into consideration the million other dirty people that laid on the model before me who broke it in. (Stop with the innuendos!!!!) We were more careful this time and found a much softer one and it ended up being cheaper as well. I'll take it! (FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!)

Fred loved the long car ride. He loves the sun too. And it's one of the few times he's chill and will snuggle. 


  1. Aw Fred, I want to cuddle you! I haven't had the tortilla soup at Rubio's but I'll have to try it. I'm constantly on the hunt for good tortilla soup. And am disappointed a lot.

  2. Fuck yes to the whole That's What She Said paragraph.


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