
June 5, 2015

FIR - 3 Ring Circus

Please note I'm not calling it "Ronnie's 3 Ring Circus" as it was advertised that way. In the past I haven't given two shits about the things that are said about Ronnie online or the things he's done. He's got a dark past and dark present. That's what happens when you're an addict and egomaniac. Trouble will follow you and some of it will be self-afflicted. Lead singers of rock bands in general are usually deeply hated or deeply loved or both. It takes a character and some ego to do what they do, so I try to ignore the bullshit. I will admit he rubbed me the wrong way just by looking at pictures of him. Maybe it was intuition telling me something. I ignored it because I like Falling in Reverse's music and I like Escape the Fate's music. Since seeing them in concert on Wednesday I've heard some disturbing news about him. There is a rape allegation out against him that supposedly happened the night of this show at The Murray Theater. It has made me sick to my stomach. I've been reading the accuser side (albeit it's third-hand info) and the defense side like crazy on FB. There's a lot of misinformation out there and it's hard to know at this point what is true. I never want to discredit a woman or man who has been raped. I'm trying to stay neutral, but I can't ignore how sick I am right now. I will feel awful if it's true if I supported him. With that said, the show was so good. Ghosttown was so freaking good too. It was fun and very entertaining. Even the stage manager that night said they were nothing but professional the entire night he worked with them. I know that doesn't mean much to whatever may have happened after the show. Anyway, I just had to get that out and say that it was a fun show. period.


  1. Ronnie has been on my List for years. I try not to get too caught up in drama, because let's face it: band dudes can be DICKS! But sometimes it becomes too hard to focus on just the music and they don't deserve our support. Sucks for the rest of the band, though!

    I'm glad that the show was good, though! Ghosttown is the shit!

  2. Ugh. I hope it's a false accusation because that's really shitty if not. People just shouldn't rape people. I dunno why it's so complicated. :\


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