
December 31, 2008

Time Magazine - Person of the Year!

I just bought the new Time magazine with Barack Obama named Person Of The Year on the cover. I love it! And not just because that he is on it; because the picture that they chose to put on the cover is by a street artist. I love street art and especially love looking at it on Flickr. I’m addicted!! In the magazine they highlight a bunch of street art that people all over have been inspired to do because of the inspiration that Obama has given so many people. And all of it is street art that people have posted on Flickr.  I love that Time magazine has given props to street art!

Here is one of my favorite pieces of Obama art. Done by UGLYSHEEP…of course.

Happy New Year!

December 17, 2008

Oi! Christmas Songs!

Coolest christmas songs! Check it out: The Punk Advent Calendar! Each day is a different song. Just click on the title of this post and you're on your way.

Moab 1/2 Marathon Here We Come!

"Two women set out to run a 1/2 marathon and concur!!"

That is what the headlines will read in Moab after Jenni and I run the Moab 1/2 Marathon on March 21st. We registered in November and have been waiting in anticipation to see if we would be accepted and we have been!! We are way excited. Well I am probably more scared than excited because I am so out of shape it's not even funny. So far we hav
e been running at home on our treadmills and together on Saturdays. The first Saturday we set out we ran 6.2 miles on the back roads from Lehi to my moms house in American Fork. We survived even with all of the many assholes that tried killing us by hitting us with their vehicles. Jenni is embarrassed to run with me in public because I have the tendency to scream and yell profanities at people when they try to kill us. I can't help myself. My mom says it's my tourettes syndrome:

Tourette's syndrome |toŏˈrets|noun Medicinea neurological disorder characterized by involuntary tics and vocalizations and often the compulsive utterance of obscenities.

We need all of the luck we can get so please keep us in your thoughts as we set out on this adventure. Thanks! I will keep you all posted on our progress.

This how I feel when I run:

December 13, 2008

Need Christmas Gift Ideas?

Scentsy Candles - They rock and smell great. No wicks to burn. Check them out here @ Seriously Scentsy:

Car audio & Home Theater - Innovative - Best systems in Utah and Tyrone's new place of employment.

Fab Handmade Jewelry - Angela Rogers Designs - Check her stuff out here:

Unique Art that will blow your socks off - UGLYSHEEP - for more info just ask!

I believe in supporting my friends in what they do. Nothing says "holiday spirit" than supporting the ones you love! You can check their links out in my Connected section as well. 

Happy Christmas and Merry Holidays!

December 10, 2008

Happy Holidays?

Since I can't sleep I am going to post some new stuff. To be honest I have not been in the mood to come home at night and write about anything. I think it's because when I get home from being at work at a job that sucks the will to live out of me; I just can't seem to write about anything that may not get me fired. While at the same time still trying to be grateful that I have a job at all. (I really am grateful, I swear). So, to sum up...I have been trying to change my poopy attitude. So here are some festive pics to get it going. Bahumbug!

Here is our Holiday Card photo. I am still on the fence about it. But I have no desire to do it again so it will have to do.

This for you Mandy...enjoy!

UGLYSHEEP Showing @ L'Astelier Cafe

Come see UGLYSHEEP's work @ L'Astelier Cafe downtown. They are located @ 57 West 200 South, SLC across the street from the Capital Theatre. They have open mic night on Friday's that starts @ 8pm. We are going this Friday if anyone wants to join us. It's not a bar so no cover is needed. Here is some of his work showing there. 

November 13, 2008


I wanted to take a little time to say a few things about an amazing artist that I’ve had an opportunity to get to know. He is totally hard core and will kick your ass with how amazing he is. Here are a few of his bad-ass stencil pieces. I feel that I can show these with out his permission because they are hanging on my walls. He has done a bunch of other pieces that are incredible; Take my word! The first one is of Tyrone if you couldn’t tell and of course is my favorite one. Hopefully shortly I will be able to direct to somewhere you can see all of his stuff. If any of this sparks your attention, you can check him out on Myspace for now. He works under the name UGLYSHEEP and is listed on my top friends. He is one of Tyrone ’s best friends.


Be amazed…

*Please forgive the horrible photography

Stuck in my head all day

Today I woke up singing the theme song to the 1979 hit show The Facts of Life. Don’t ask!

November 9, 2008

Finished another book

Just finished this today. Loved it! I guess there is controversy over whether is it true or not. Read it as if it is fiction; it will be delightful. It's not kid friendly so don't be reading it to the kiddies for bed time stories. And if you're squeamish of the all forbidden "F" word DON'T read it. Although if you can let that go just this once it may be nice to try something different; just a thought.

November 6, 2008

Personal Declaration

I will not be captive by fear
I will not let it run my life
I will not let it sway my judgement
or point any fingers
I can admit that I am not perfect and
that I am not worthy to cast any stones
I will not trust in man
especially one behind a pulpit
but only in God
I believe that his arms will hold me tight
through the fire and the snow
I believe his will is now
and there is nothing to be afraid of
He alone truly knows my heart and 
He alone I give mine to.


October 30, 2008

Zen Like Stuffed Onions In A Not So Flash

"Are you eating it? Or is it eating you?" -Larry Cohen

So on Sunday I made stuffed onions for Ty. I got ideas for this recipe from about 3 others. Ty raved over the first batch so he made me make them again on Tuesday night and since I think they are amazing I had to share. I would like to say they were quick and easy, but all I can say is that they definitely weren't painful and absolutely worth the wait. As I read over the recipe the ingredients sound like they wouldn't go together but they totally do. Try 'Em and let me know what you think.
Oven 350 degrees2 white or yellow onions (yellow are sweeter)
6 slices of bacon 4 slices chopped
1 clove Garlic
1/4 c. Dijon Honey Mustard
2T. Apple Cidar Vinegar
2T. Brown Sugar (not Shuga)
1T. Water
1 slice wheat bread (or whatever you have around)
1 Egg white
2T Butter
2 slices of swiss or gouda cheese (or whatever kind you desire)

First: Cut tops and bottoms off of both onions, peel. Chop enough off both ends so that they can stand up straight and core out the middle. Dice remaining onions. In a casserole dish filled with about 2 inches of water place both onions in it and cook covered with tin foil in oven for 45 min.

Second: While onions are cooking in oven, cook diced onions and diced garlic in frying pan with chopped bacon until slightly crispy over low-medium heat. Once finished set aside.

Third: In a mixing bowl combine vinegar, brown sugar and water. Then add mustard, bread and egg white and add salt and pepper if desired. Add bacon mixture to bowl and mix all together.

Fourth: Pull out onions from oven once finished and pour out the water in the casserole dish. Add mixture to the centers of the onions and place back in the oven uncovered for 15 min.

Five: Pull out onions from oven once 15 min. is done and top each onion with a slice of cheese and the remaining strips of bacon and 1 T. of butter on top of each onion. (This will totally give you a heart attack but it's worth it) Place back in onion on Broil for 3-5 min. until bacon is crispy and cheese has melted.

"We think in secret, and it comes to pass. Our environment is but our looking glass." - unknown

I had to do it only because every time I look at his enormous ears I wonder if he secretly flies at night saving the world.
Frederick's Batman Costume. Totaling $3.07.

1 black bandana
1 black ribbon
1 black small sheet of felt
1 gold small sheet of felt
glue gun
go crazy

October 27, 2008

Prenuptially Occupied

Okay I am finally ready to post more wedding preparation pics. I've been a little wedding-crafty-DIY crazy for the past few weeks. 

The Dress:

Frederick would not get out of the shot and since I love him I didn't crop him out. 

I was so excited to finally get the feathers added on. Now I just need to figure out if I'm going to shorten it or not. It's tea length, but since I have stubby legs it's a little long for me. I just need to find a black tule or crinoline slip to go under it. It needs to show through the bottom so about an inch longer than the dress. So whether or not I shorten it depends on the slip. If anyone knows where I can get a black slip like that locally that would be fab!

I decided to make my own earrings since I couldn't find any that I liked and since I had most of the supplies on hand I decided to go for it. 
Here they are:

That's Ty's very sexy inked-out arm that I just had to use for a background. He was very thoughtful sitting still while I rearranged them 200 times. He's so patient with me. The pic is a little fuzzy, but I am still an amateur.

The Boutonnieres:

Ty's Boutonniere:

The Shoes which are actually purple inside not pink, whatever:

This is the Wedding cake topper that I want (Oh I will buy it, mark my words):

October 10, 2008

Friday Nights now that I'm 30...

From getting kicked out of Bowling alleys to sitting home alone (with Frederick) on a Friday night. But this is my choice and I love it. I chose to sit home tonight to finish my book and surf the web and watch 20/20. Barbara Walters bugs, I just had to say that. 

I finally finished the book I've been reading almost all summer and the first part of fall. Wicked! I love this book. I just have to say that it is so good and because I have not seen the play or heard the soundtrack to the play that I was able to fully enjoy it. I was warned that it is nothing like the play. It was much more deep than I usually care for when I read but I am happy to have read it. It's political, spiritual, questions religion and asks you to think for yourself. There is nothing more freeing than thinking for yourself. As an adult I am experiencing it in the most fulfilling ways. I loved, loved this book. 
"Those times are over and gone, and good riddance to them, too. We were hopelessly high-spirited. Now we're the thick-waisted generation, dragging along our children behind us and carrying our parents on our backs. And we're in charge, while the figures who used to command our respect are wasting away."

This is what I have to put up with every time I am either reading a book, a magazine or on the computer. He can't stand for you to not be paying attention to him. He will inch and slink his way in between whatever you are doing. He is such a shit but I love him so much. He has the coolest and most genuine character a dog can have. This pic is of him saying "Look at me! Look at me!"

So I saw this book in Urban Outfitters and wanted to buy it immediately but I resisted. (You know because of the economy and It's hilarious; "Stuff White People Like". And no it's not a site for the Arian Nation. They recently posted a blog about white people and pea coats. I laughed so hard because that is the thing I wanted most on my birthday wish list and I made sure my parents bought it for me. OMG! I am so white! Aaaa! I've been fighting it my whole life but I have to face it, I am a white girl in almost every sense except for my big booty. Check out their site to the right under my Connected section. 

If you can't laugh at yourself and at life in general how sad would that be?
I had to add another pic from my kid themed birthday party. 

The Rocker & The Solid Gold Dancer

October 9, 2008

I can say hands down that this was definitely the best birthday I’ve ever had. I was surrounded by everyone I love minus a few.

Saturday, October 4th: Tyrone and my family threw a kick-ass party for me. Scary movie and bowling – what more could I ask for.The Theme“Come dressed as what you wanted to be when you were a kid” As I’ve mentioned before I wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer when I was really little. I also wanted to be one of thBarbie and the Rockers. Those were the coolest Barbies back in the day. My costume has a bit of that essence as well. There is no way I would put on a leotard right now! Tyrone wanted to be a race car driver, my mom was a model, my dad (so original) wore a post it note that said "Frankie ” on it. He said he always wanted to be his dad growing up. My BFF, Jeni, came dressed as a rocker which kind of resembles Rod Stewart in drag, but she was still hot. And her hubby, Vinny, came dressed as a Red Sox Baseball player. My cousin’s Dillen Colt & Cherice, were a dancer and a sheriff. Tyrone ’s mom was a two-time Oscar winning actress and his sister, April , came as a “Hot Blonde”. She is always hot though. My brother came as a college student and his fiancé Rachael came as a nurse.


Sunday, October 5th: We went to Octoberfest @ Snowbird. Nothing like getting to know your heritage a little more; my birth name is Snyder . If that’s not a German last name I don’t know what is. It was so fun watching all of the people in their lederhosen dancing and singing. The food was to DIE for. I had the best German Chocolate I have EVER had. Sadly the beer wasn’t anything to brag about. I thought that was a big part of Octoberfest – German Beer Festival??

Monday, October 6th: My parents took me out to lunch to Five Guys. They had never been there before, so they had to try their amazing burgers. After, 

we went treasure shopping @ the D.I. (Deseret Industries). I absolutely love thrift store shopping. Sometimes you go and you don’t find anything but when you do it’s a great experience. To top the day off I made the best spaghetti and meatballs ever. 


Tuesday, October 7th: The day that officially booted me out of my twenties for eternity.

I wanted to be all bummed and depressed but Tyrone wouldn’t have any of that. He totally spoiled me. That morning we woke up and had an hour long couple’s massage. It was so nice. After we went shopping and then we went to the Weezer concert. I’ve always wanted to see them in concert and Tyrone had surprised me with tickets. They were fun to watch. Angels & Airwaves opened up for them. They were really good too. I think I might like them better than when they were with Blink-182. I had no idea this was possible but it was damn cool to see some wheelchair crowdsurfing during the show. (see pic below)

I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing of a time I have had these past few days.

I love you Tyrone . You are my favoritest person in the whole wide world.