
October 29, 2010

Fall Fashion Day 5 (actually day 2 for me) Zombie Style

We had the privilege of dressing up today in the office, at least I look at it as a privilege. Me and Jamie are the only ones that dressed up today. I decided to expand on my tee shirt and us it as an Office Zombie costume. It's kind of like an assistant gone mad. I'm happy with it.

Day 5 or Day 2 of Fall Fashion hosted here.

Shirt - handmade by me, original post here
Long sleeve bloody flesh tee - side effects of zombie disease
Black belt - thrifted $2
Salmon vintage skirt - $4 - I chopped the length right off
Tights - another disgusting side effect of zombie disease
Shoes - steve madden TJMax $10 (super duper old)

awkward much?

my tights totally fell down

minor details


  1. Bray, I just admire the hell out of you! You are so freaking creative and amazing. That picture of you grabbing the camera... LOVE IT!

  2. Kikiwakika - You have no idea how much I adore you! Thank you for your sweet words and your support! I love ya so much!

  3. I love this costume, so creative and cute. You have the cutest feet and they look darling in those shoes. Im not so sure you were going for cute but..... I cant help it you just are!

  4. you look awesome!! i'm bummed we are missing halloween this year. it's one of my favorite holidays.

  5. You are one hot zombie!! Yet effectively scary at the same time. I love it!

  6. That means a lot to me coming from you Erin! Thanks!


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