
January 2, 2011

Fashion DIY - No-sew makeover

I wanted to kick 2011 off with an easy as pie DIY - rhyming not intended.

Remember the Easiest Wardrobe Makeover post from awhile back? I decided to do it again. I just love it.  It's too easy.

I found this vintage shirt and didn't like the long sleeves on it so I cut them off. They were a little short. I love this shirt. I wear it to work all of the time. When I use this non-technique I take a short sleeve shirt and place it on top of the long sleeve one and use the length of the sleeves as a template to cut from.

The vintage shirt before

After the easy no-sew makeover

This is my best depressed model look

My favorite part of this shirt is the ruffles and colorful stripes.

Check out more DIY projects HERE


  1. I love the ruffle and stripes on this shirt too! It reminds me of rainbow stripe they still sell that or am I dating myself?

  2. Thanks!! I totally remember that gum. I loved it!! That is a pretty cool comparison.


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