
January 1, 2011

Happy New Year - 2011

Disclaimer: There was no alcohol involved in the making of these photo booth pictures.

Our Makeshift Photo Booth
When you're low on funds and have an endless supply of masks, hats, boas, mustaches and costumes you can make your own photo booth too. I hung up a an old granny quilt and hung some bunting I made from magazines and ribbon. The lighting was lame because it was late at night but with a tripod and self timer on your camera it all works just splendidly.

His Majesty is thrilled to be on my lap
Could you look at the camera please?

Love this one!
he is also thrilled to be on my lap
the obligatory Franklin thumbs up


Ready for the apocalypse


  1. Photo booths are so much fun. I love these pictures!

  2. Looks like everyone had a great time! Who woulda thunk a granny afghan would be the perfect backdrop to the mayhem?!

  3. Thanks everyone - it was so much fun to do!!

  4. Your family is just as crazy as ours, and I love it.

  5. Ha, ha - these are AWESOME! Great idea!

  6. soo stinkin funny i wuv them all


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