
August 30, 2011

Summer Journal Entry

{august filler}

A little follow up post to the mini balcony makeover I did a bit back.
this is actually much bigger now
The birds have eaten all of the bird seed I left out for them. Fred actually was very interested in me feeding the birds that he has vowed to destroy. I think it has left him utterly confused as to why I would betray him like that. 
The snails have been out in full force too. I'd get up early on a Saturday morning and there would be slimy, shiny streaks all over the balcony. At one point we had about ten snails living out there. This summer has seemed extra moist this year. Yes, I just typed the word moist and I've decided to leave it there. I would love to take all of the credit for not killing any of what I planted earlier this summer but the weather has helped greatly.


  1. The word moist makes me cringe and giggle at the same time. We've had a lot of snails, too. I've had to be their protector, stopping the kid from salting their asses.

  2. I was that kid. It was pretty cool to watch but now I think it's gross, go figure.


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