
September 29, 2011

Fall Fashion - Last Day

So, yeah, I missed Wednesday & Thursday of Fall Fashion Week so I'm going to do a lame roundup of the last few days. I've had fun doing this and am glad to have met some awesome women and find new blogs to read. It's refreshing. I'm a little early in posting this for Friday according to Mountain Standard Time but East Coasters won't know a difference. Work with me people! This week has been beyond busy. I'm so giddy that tomorrow today is Friday that I may not even sleep.

 thrifted boatneck shirt, vintage skirt, blowfish shoes

hand-me-down purse from MOM 

 thrifted skirt, handmade necklace, new skull ring

Follow me on The Twitter or The Facebook! Also, check back next week for more DIY Halloween Costumes!

Fall Fashion Days of the past #1, #2, #3, #4


  1. I've been posting early all week. 10pm PST. :) I love your nails and that wooden necklace. It was so fun to meet you this week!

  2. i love the turquoise pops of color! and your nails are amazing. :)

  3. love the skull ring and the bright blue nails!

  4. Stripes, polka dots and turquoise? Yes, please. You look great!!

  5. I love blowfish shoes, even though they're not good for my feet.

    You have awesome nails! Do you stare at them all day while you're trying to work. I would.

  6. cute! the nails & skull ring are killer! :)

  7. Ooooh, blowfish! I've drooled over their shoes several times but never gotten my own. Are they comfy?
    They look adorable.
    Speaking of adorable, who's got the cutest nails? You do!

  8. I love your hand me down purse from your mom!! And way to accessorize! Very bright and pretty!

  9. boatneck stripes = always a fav.

    also, the glitter on your nails is so fun. =)


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