
October 29, 2014

October - 2014 Monthly Selfie

Testing out my Halloween makeup. I wanted to try it all with my contacts but I didn't know I had to let them soak for 2 hours before putting them in for the first time. At this point it was 11:30pm and I was not about to wait that long. I want to add some sort of bite wound or bloody mouth stuff but I can't decide. I blocked out my eyebrows for the first time using the washable glue stick method. It took a long time and it turned out alright. In this pic it looks great but in person you could still see my eyebrows after four layers. I'm pretty sure I'm going to skip that part Halloween morning. It was fun to try though!

There are a few Halloween DIY's that I wanted to post but seriously can't find the time to do it. I think it mostly has to do with our computer screen being out. I HATE blogging on my TV screen and it makes editing pictures more difficult. You would think seeing it on a large screen would be nice but it isn't. Mostly, I want to sit in bed with my laptop on my lap and watch TV while I blog and work on my shop but I can't right now. I'm really pushing for a new laptop by Christmas. I may try to trade Frederick in for a new one. Do you think Apple would go for it? He's cute and trendy and that's right up their alley.

October 14, 2014

DIY Halloween Embroidered Cat

I couldn't resist embroidering this Halloween cat pattern made by The Pink Samurai. She made this adorable free pattern you should check out her blog if you haven't - it is very bright and cheery!

October 13, 2014


I'm finally an adult that doesn't care about their birthday and I mean that. Tyrone practically had to force me to do a family party. I just didn't care if we did anything or even if I got presents. I usually want all of the presents I can get my hands on. Since probably about the age of 33 I started to care less and less and finally this year came along and the caring had flittered away completely. All I wanted was to spend some time alone and go shopping. 

Tyrone cooked wings and we had our family over. My mom made me an entire chocolate eclair cake that I ate almost all by myself. I told Tyrone the cake wasn't for everyone so he ended up making cupcakes for everyone else. I'm certain I gained 8 pounds just last week.

The morning of my birthday we went to Publik coffee roasters because I've been wanting to try it. They serve coffee and toast. How perfect is that? It was really good too. They have various kinds of toast and I want to try them all. Tyrone and I had fun judging all of the creative, rich entrepreneurs that peppered the joint. It was a step above your local coffee shop and far above your Starbucks. I wanted to walk over to this bearded older gentleman with a Mac Book Pro sitting in front of him and the keys to a Cayenne Porsche what the fuck he did for a living and if he needed an assistant. The parking lot was full of Subarus and higher end SUVs, yet the place was very chill and had a great presence. Usually I would feel totally uncomfortable in a place like this but I didn't.

Later that day I went thrift shopping and bought some boots that my mom gave me some money to go towards. It was a perfect weekend leading up to a chill day. Mostly because I never changed out of my sweats. 

I woke up this morning a week later and realized my license has expired. Fuck.

They all float down here.... Nails!

I said I had great plans for this polish but I'm not sure how great that plan turned out. It might be the fact that I try to hide my eyes from any clown picture that pops up as to the reason why I wasn't able to capture one very well on my nails. OR it's because my stubs won't allow for it. Actually it is because I didn't practice a clown face beforehand I just dove right in. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it but I think the lack of quality just ads to the creep factor that it is supposed to have.

It's about facing my fears although this is as far as facing my clown fear is going to get. Although, I got through the entire first episode of the new season of American Horror Story Freakshow and I only cried once. Twisty the clown is the most frightening clown since Time Curry in It.

With all that said, I know Kendal, the creator of this incredible polish, has a fear of clowns too so it just makes this even more perfect. At first glance this polish is very cutesy and I can envision lots of adorable cupcake nails posted all over Pinterest with this. The formula is really nice. It reminds me of when the Funfetti frosting used to be good and was made with those amazing candy bits and not the crappy sprinkles that it's made with now. (Ok I just got word from my friend it's called Rainbow Chip frosting and I need to see if they still make it stat!)

Polish is, They All Float Down Here by Firecracker Lacquer from the What Are You Afraid of? line.

Sidenote: My nails are growing on my right hand but they are still very weak and peal. My left hand is riding the short bus to the party. It might have to do with the fact I can't keep that hand out of my mouth. I'm excited to use this polish, Nail Envy, Kendahl sent me! She has perfect timing because these polishes got to me right on my birthday. She also sent me Submerged and I can't wait to slap that shit on my fingers.

October 9, 2014


This incredible package arrived right on my birthday. I have big plans for it. Thanks Kendahl! So excited! 

I have the best cousins. 

October 6, 2014

Halloween nails

Quick manis for Halloween. 

Cracked Zombie

Vampire Fangs