
October 20, 2010

No sleep till...

I revamped three shirts tonight. Two of them are for my mom that will go in the gift I still need to give her for her birthday. I am a bad daughter.

Made two mix tapes, halloween hit list mix for my gal and a glam rock mix for my SIL.

Started a DIY project that I will post on Monday. Hopefully.

Check out this photography blog and subscribe to it. It's going to be cool.

Also, my gal started this page on Facebook. She lives in Utah County where we both grew up and there is this awful thing that happens there that is like the Stepford Wives movie. The page is called Against Stepford Wives of Utah County. Go on and LIKE it! I can't stop laughing over the things it says on it.

In between projects I watched Halloween, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Hangover and caught up on my Chelsea Lately podcast. I think I need to watch Buffy now.

If I haven't stopped by your blog this week I apologize. Work has been nuts and I have been super busy. It makes me sad when I can't read them because I really honestly love to!! I will be catching up on all of them SOON!!


Lovers & haters alike, feedback is encouraged.