December 30, 2009
Unbelievable UGLYSHEEP
December 29, 2009
So Long 2009 - We Won't Be Missing You
I am so glad to have 2009 over with. I am surprisingly ready for 2010. Bring it on!
Our family has survived two weddings, a baby, lost loved ones, new pets, lay-offs, new jobs, downsizing, 4 different moves and … well I’d love to finish this sentence but I’m afraid my brain just short circuited.
This year has brought Tyrone and me together in strength through struggle and good times the biggest one of all – getting married in June. We moved our date up 3 months from our original set date of September 14th. September 14th is our dating anniversary and we wanted to keep it but after my brother and his wife moved their date up a few months we decided it wouldn’t be that bad if we moved ours up as well. Honestly, we were chomping at the bit. We just couldn’t wait any longer. All while planning our wedding we were going through some rough patches financially and decided we needed to downsize to a smaller place with cheaper rent. I had a hard time with this because I really loved our 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. It was huge and had great lighting and in a decent neighborhood. Once I finally accepted the need for us to downsize and when I came to the conclusion that this was best for us I was able to be at peace with it. Along with downsizing Tyrone has also sold every piece of property he owned just so that we could make it. Tyrone has had to swallow his own pride with making the decision to get rid of his car and drive Old Blue. His Lancer Evo was one of his dream cars and he was so proud to have it but decided that he wanted better things for us than driving a nice car. So our goal in the next year is to be in a position where we can buy a house. He has been so positive with all the different jobs (he starts job number 6 next week) he has had to take and with everything that has gone on I look up to him so much. He has helped me to not have a total melt down and remember that things can always be worse. I’ve always hated when people say that – but it’s a fact. We have each other and God in our lives and that is all we can ask for in the end. Thank you God for an incredible match that you brought me in Tyrone – THANK YOU!
Besides the wedding for me one of my biggest accomplishments this past year would have to be the Canyonlands Moab ½ marathon I did with my friend Jenni back in March. I am so glad I had her there to help me through it. Another cool thing that happened was that our husbands started a band together. I am so proud of them. They are really starting to come together and totally rocked their first show. And they will be starting 2010 off with another show on New Years Day. This Friday!
One of my goals for 2009 was to start my own small business but I have now put that off till 2010. I don’t want to rush into it and want to make sure that I do it smartly. I am getting closer and closer to having it become a reality.
One of my biggest regrets is having cut bangs. They are so overrated. They are not for lazy people with curly hair like me.
In 2009 I’ve upped my dosage of coffee intake and lowered my soda intake. Not sure if that is a positive or if they just cancel each other out. The soda thing is a huge deal for me. In high school and college I would drink it ALL DAY LONG and that carried out all until about 6 months ago. I did take a short break from it for 4 months when I was 21 and it didn’t do a damn thing for me. I went off of carbonated soda and any caffeine intake and I didn’t notice a difference in my weight or how I felt. Seriously. So why would I try to go off of it nowadays? Well, I’ve started to notice when I drink carbonated drinks that I feel so much more bloated and for some reason a Coke will make me crash so much more quicker than anything else. As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed things my body doesn’t like anymore. Thus, I started drinking more water and coffee. Coffee doesn’t make me crash and I’m a strong coffee advocate – I’ll leave it at that. I know there are a lot of coffee haters out there and I’m not just talking about Utahns. Our financial situation has played a big factor in it as well. I decided that I needed to start taking advantage of the free beverages provided at work; water and coffee. I hate water with a bloody passion but after months of literally forcing myself to drink it I don’t have so much disdain for it any more. I try to buy a $2 creamer from the grocery store that will last about a week instead of going to Starbucks everyday and forking out $5 dollars a pop for a Grande or Venti Carmel Hazelnut Frapuccino. It’s sick to think about how much I’ve spent on that every day. Yes! I would do that everyday pretty much.
In 2009 I feel like I’ve grown up so much. I am definitely feeling my age and I’m glad to say that I don’t mind saying that I am 31. I use to say that I would be glad to stay 21 forever but I don’t anymore. The self-confidence you gain as you get older is very gratifying and fulfilling. I love it! If only you could have that self-assurance when you are in high school, can you imagine what you could have achieved?
In 2009 I wanted to buy a house and have a baby and that didn’t happen but that is OK. We will keep our Hope for 2010.
I can’t believe how time is flying and normally I would be very bugged about it but this year I am not. I can’t wait for 2010. It has got to be better, right? (I say this fully aware that I may have just jinxed us)
December 28, 2009
Introducing Frohawk

Probably one of the funnest thing we did this weekend. He wanted to do it for their upcoming show on New Years Day. They also shot a video this weekend which we can't wait to see. I'm glad he was able to sport the hawk in it.
Christmas, simply
I want to go back to Christmas day. I can’t believe I am saying this but I do, desperately. I’m sure I’ve never said that before in my life. I want to go back to the calmness that was Friday. Even as I am writing this at this very moment I am fighting the urge to bitch-and-moan. So I am writing off today as your typical slit-your-wrists type of a Monday. I don’t want to take away from the great day we had as a family. It really was a wonderful time that started with Christmas Eve and carried on until yesterday.
Christmas Eve was spent with Frohawk’s family eating Buffalo wings and sugar cookies. The best Buffalo wings I’ve ever had I might add. Frohawk’s sister has a killer recipe. We sat around and just enjoyed each other’s company. It was so nice. I have to mention that Frohawk’s mom made him THE SOFTEST crotched blanket EVER. She made one for him and his sister. I think she made it with chenille yarn. Also, it was stark-ass-white so I didn’t even want him to use it because I am so worried about it getting Frederick fur and God-only-knows-what else on it.
Christmas Day started off with German pancakes followed by pigs in a blanket (a phenomenal hit), turkey, scalloped potatoes and cheesecake. Frohawk and Onslo (my dad) both managed to fit in a bowl full of pistachios each. Yes I said EACH. I think it’s safe to guess how they both felt the next day after devouring that many pistachios. If you’ve never eaten more than your share of pistachios it’s like eating a bowl full of fresh cherry’s or [insert anything that makes you run to the bathroom faster than a lightening bolt]. You can picture both me and my mom shaking our heads at them.
As for gifts go I am just going to go over what I made for people since that is partly what I try to focus on here. You can see that I opted for the homemade gifts regardless of the preferred purchased gifts. I didn’t care what people thought because they were lucky enough to even get anything from us and yes I just said LUCKY ENOUGH. I made some embroidered flour sack towels to hand out with homemade chocolate chip-almond-flax seed cookies. (So I bought some flax seed awhile back and in order to get rid of it I now put it in every thing I cook whether it goes together or not.) I also included some bottle-cap magnets that I put together in little sacks that made for the illusion of being store bought. I keep almost EVERY bottle cap I can get my hands on. I make Frohawk save me all of his. For The Moms I made them each a Breakfast at Tiffany’s inspired eye-mask. This was a lot of fun and doesn’t take too long even with out a sewing machine. Frohawk helped me cut out all of the pieces so I could hurry and put them all together. Let’s just say that I procrastinated a little too much. I started this blanket for my dad on Monday (dumb idea) and still haven’t finished it after working on it all week and almost all day on Christmas. I will post about it more when I finish it. Frohawk got a one-of-a-kind brandy-son Zen master flash tee shirt (ha-ha). I saw this saying from a beer add on The Dieline and decided to put it on a shirt for him. I’m not sure I like the way the embroidered drum set turned out but over all it’s not too bad I suppose.
Simply put, Christmas was good and now we are looking forward to 2010.
{the picture of this shirt totally sucks}
{stay tuned later this week to see the coolest gift we got last week}
December 23, 2009
More Tee Re-Vamping
December 22, 2009
To Remember
I am a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?
It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again
-Times Like These, Foo Fighters
December 21, 2009
Luv, Luv, Luv I Want Your Love
I can’t get enough of that song and I have no other reason why I started this post off with that line other than my adoration for that damn song right now. I’m sure in a month I will be sick of it but that is ok with me. I love good music but I also love some of the trendy dance stuff too just for the fun of it. DO. NOT. Get me started on people who are so “anti-trendy” they are in return the most “trendy” mother-effers around.
And that is that.
Last night I baked sugar cookies and refrained from shoving every single one of them down my throat. Instead I opted to share them with my co-workers and gave some for Ty to give to one of our family friends. Others may be able to partake in the sugary goodness too but only if they are super lucky. (Did I just use the word partake?)
I am pretty confident today. Can you tell?
In the last few weeks of mailing out Christmas cards I came across some Christmas cards that I didn’t send out LAST YEAR (triple exclamation point). I just had to laugh at myself. So I included them in this year’s envelope. My findings didn’t stop there I also found Thank You’s from our wedding that I didn’t send out. So some folks are getting last year’s Christmas card, this years Christmas card and a 5 month old Thank You card. Ha Ha!
Besides the show on Friday we had a fantastic weekend. Saturday evening we saw Avatar in 3D and IMAX and laid around on Sunday (favorite thing ever). I have to say that I am not a sci-fi fan at all but they did a fantastic job submerging the audience into this spectacular world. I kept forgetting that I was watching it on a screen. You literally felt like you were in the movie riding around on a little golf cart as if you were taking a tour of the set. I did not however think anything of the plot; it was like Dancing with Wolves on steroids. A lot of freaking steroids. Ty said it reminded him of The Last Samurai.
Finally I wanted to share with you the shirts I made for Small Town Trap’s first show. I am not so much pleased with the longevity of the iron-ons I made. By the end of the night they were starting to peel up. The shirts that my friend Jenni (the bass players wife) made are totally awesome though. I should have followed her lead but was avoiding it because I was being cheap. Next time I won’t be so frugal, hopefully (wink).
Hers are much better than mine.
I wanted to include this as well to show the awesome wristband’s the lead singer had made to hand out to their loving fans. How awesome are they? They say Small Town Trap, naturally.
December 20, 2009
Unforgettable First Show
December 18, 2009
Small Town Trap playing TONIGHT!
The House That Threw Up Christmas
Do I need any other words to describe the ungodly mess that this is? Although this picture that does not do justice to the horribleness of how gaudy this house is every Christmas season you get the picture. If not, your house probably looks the same and in that case you can just start un-following this blog immediately because we probably won’t agree on too many other things either.
This year Ty and I decided to take a picture of it because every year we drive by it and Ty always says “Look! It’s the house that threw up Christmas!” Plus they tend to leave this shit up all year long. If it isn’t a blow-up Christmas Snow Man then it’s used as an extension of their drive-way.
Holiday Cheers!
December 17, 2009
Mexican Craft Fail
What do you get when you combine the following? A knitted robbery face mask + silk ribbon + an overly ambitious crafter = BIG FAT FAILURE!!
The mission: DIY Mexican Wresting Masks
It sounded fantastic in my head but when I tried to place it over my very large, gorgeous head it ended up suffocating me and making me break out into hives. “What do you mean silk ribbon doesn’t stretch? I have it planned out perfectly. There is no way this is going to the crapper.” On the contrary, it indeed went straight down where the gold fish eternally swim. The Holy Crapper.
The picture DOES NOT show how big of a failure this turned out. In fact when I look at it I still have the desire to keep trying to get it to work out. After 20 minutes of trying to stretch it over my bulbous melon the ribbon which I used iron on transfer paper to adhere to the mask started snapping apart. Plus the obvious other reasons of using ribbon to make it. I thought of various ways to try and make it work and right before I entered into complete emotional meltdown I finally gave up. I can’t always be a rock star. Martha would not be proud.
I wanted to use Mexican wrestling masks so badly in our holiday cards that I was blind to any other options but the ones in my head. I obviously digressed and came back to reality but I am sure it won’t last long.
I posted this because I follow this site and thought it would be fun to post my own.
December 16, 2009
T-shirt re-vamp continued
December 15, 2009
Meet Old Blue
December 14, 2009
Merry Holiday Joy or whatever!

It was between that one or this one

The top one won
My mom was such a good sport in helping us take this picture. You can't tell but it was freaking freezing outside this day. Poor Frederick was shaking the whole time which is why Tyrone is holding him in. Well that and the fact he wanted to chase birds and would not sit still like a good model-puppy should. Tyra would be so disappointed in him.
I want to celebrate Black Christmas this year. It’s pretty much my made up holiday that I am sure Scrooge would be proud of. And no I am not talking about Kwanzaa. I have definitely become more Emo this past year. I think the next step is to start cutting myself but I am not ready to commit to that yet. It may be because my butt tingles when I think about putting a razor blade next to my skin and actually having to cut into my skin with it. Yuck! Back to the subject at hand, Black Christmas means that I would rather be in my dark place than rejoice during the season. I am also not really decorating for Christmas this year mostly because I don’t have any room to put up our tree and because I am too lazy to pull my Christmas decoration boxes out of my parent’s basement. I will say that even though Christmas is my least favorite holiday I do love to decorate for it – and I am not apposed to rejoicing over the real meaning of the season. I also love giving gifts when I can afford to buy them or even make them; there is just too much pressure this time of year. I buckle like a wet dog under pressure and there a people in my life that don’t care for handmade gifts. I’ve come up with a fool proof plan for our family members though, cheap and semi-store-bought. Another reason why I call it Black Christmas is because when my little brother was a small boy he would call himself ‘Black Dillen”. It was like going to his dark place. When he was ‘Black Dillen’ we all knew to stay away especially if there was a knife in his chubby little grasp. You think I’m kidding? Over-exaggerating? Nope! I wish I was. We make fun of it now as a family but it was quite the scene growing up. Now days if I see him approaching that stage I know to turn and run the other way – or antagonize him which is what I prefer to do. (Love you Pickle – I miss you so much!)
This is my version of Black Christmas décor with out going completely over to the dark side. A mix of holiday cheer and Nightmare Before Christmas. Although not so much Nightmare Before Christmas because I haven't hung the black and white stripped stockings up yet---probably because I haven't made them yet and probably won't. The bunting that I made says NAUGHTY and the framed text says OR NICE.
Happy Holidays! Or not