o Unpack! –
Done. Still missing a box of pans!! Maybe there was a pan thief during the move. I’m NOT accusing anyone who helped us but it is possible someone walking by could have swiped it up. These pans were NOT CHEAP! Although they do hold a bit of bitterness from a previous life I lived so maybe it’s a good thing they are gone. Whatever! They are the coolest pans and I want them BACK!
o Engagement pictures – I don’t know if we are going to do this. So, sending pics with invites didn’t work out but that is fine because most people outside of UT don’t do it. Plus we did it with our Save-the-dates.
o Find someone to marry us –
Done. We are having a long time family friend do this, Chaplin Green of the Utah County Jail. He is a great guy.
o Set up pre-marital counseling with the Chaplin –
Done. We lucked out and only needed to go to two of them. Our last one was Thursday and it went very well.
o Find ceremony venue -
o Get passports – We no longer need them since Cabo is not happening (I don’t want to talk about it).
o Order grooms cake -
o Find Tyrone a shirt, tie and shoes -
Doneo Find tables and chairs -
Done. Wedding Dreamer located in American Fork. They are letting us have them the WHOLE weekend and they were not expensive.
o Finish centerpieces – I am 80% finished with them. This is taking forever just to make 11 pom-poms.
o Make and Send Out Invitations –
Done!! Guest lists are never ending. Why is it that I have to run into people that I haven’t seen in YEARS two weeks before my wedding? And of course I start to feel guilty but then I let myself digress and I say F* It!! I told my mom that the less time I spend in the town I grew up in the less it will happen.o Register for gifsts –
o Buy Food & rest of Misc. items.
o Make Cookies – 4 batches of 60…equals 280…is that enough??
o Marriage License -
o Ty’s shoes –
o Favors –
o Dye Hair – black, black, black baby!
o Dry clean Ty’s suite
o Make picture backdrop – this is 95% done.
o FLEETWOOD MAC – June 3rd! I so need this to happen, I can’t wait!
o Bachelorette Party! – June 6th!
o Get ring cleaned
o Get a Tan! – I have free tanning where I live YET I have not done this. The more I think about it the less I care if this happens.
o Schedule Mani - Pedi’s – So I got a GC for a free oxygen facial that I have been dying to use but it expired today. I just could not find time to get this done. Ty is NOT happy I didn’t use this. He got it from a customer at his last job and gave it to me. So sweet, but since I am a procrastinator (or just plane busy as HELL) I never scheduled it. I’m not sure the Mani - Pedi thing will happen either. I’ll probably just end up doing them myself.
o Bolero – Since I don’t have enough things to do I decided to make myself a bolero/shrug for the ceremony. I think it might be a little chilly that early in the morning (or not, I just really wanted one).
o Surprise! – So since we first got engaged I’ve been planning a surprise for Ty but it involves me coming out of my shell in a BIG way and I’ve started to second guess doing it all. I want to do it so bad but I’m both scared and lacking availability to practice.
o Get married!
Memorial weekend was full! That Sunday we helped my mom paint the shed, garage, and fence AND re-roof the garage. Although she’s has helped us out tremendously I think she is getting a pretty sweet deal out of this wedding. Her yard is lookin fabulous.
This weekend we helped Pickle and Rae-Rae move. I feel like our lives have been nothing but moving boxes and planning weddings for the last 4 months. Yesterday was busy but awesome! We spent most of the morning cleaning our place (Ty was ready to freak out because I’ve let the cleaning and cooking go. I decided that I can’t do that and make EVERY thing for our wedding.) After we cleaned we went down to my parents to do laundry, finish the idea for our gift “table”, paint our picture backdrop, wash Ty’s car, spray the lawn with mosquito repellent, and fit in enough time to roast wieners and eat strawberry shortcake around the fire pit. Yummy!
This morning I slept through my alarm. I was an hour late to work.
I am exhausted.
Sleep is overrated.
Thinking about taking up a brief crack habit, just to get through the next 2 weeks.