March 25, 2010

Ready to Rip out of my Skin

Don’t you ever feel like that?

I do.

But then I picture myself crawling out of myself and I get a little creeped out because my brain instantly goes to blood, guts and all.

BUT if I kept it clean, I could imagine a part of myself that is ready to be retired, peaking out of my forearm. Peaking out to say good bye; leaving it in the past.



Moving on.


Have Fun


Move on

-My life quote.

I shared my life quote with a friend recently. She liked the framed piece I did for my dinning area so I decided to do one for her. I like hers better than the one I did for myself. I think I’ll update mine in the future sometime.

It was easy to do, all you need is an old frame, paint and a printer.

1 comment:

Jennikunz said...

totally in my office!