September 1, 2010

Inspiration - blogroll - now I can sleep soundly

I fear being put in blogger timeout or blogger outer darkness and fear even more so whoever or whomever is the old witch that is in charge of divvying out such punishment for bad bloggers. As much as any naughty girl loves a good spanking I’m not about to get a demerit this early on in the game. Or am I? I think maybe the blogger monitor whore is just some anal old lady who designated herself to be the know-all of all things blog related. I don’t think stupid rules should be put on any blogger. Isn’t the whole idea of blogging about expressing oneself however oneself feels anytime oneself desires to do so? I know I’m right. I will say that although I don’t agree with blogging rules I do agree and very much want to support the awesome blogs that inspire me.

Behold my blogroll in no particular order

adored austin
princess lasertron
a beautiful mess
all that darn yarn
blue bird vintage
what possessed me
this that and then some
oh honestly erin
stepmom extraordinare
the diy show off
once wed
forever is today
for me, for you
hard candy music
the flash dance
looks great naked
the sartorialist
wooster collective
small town trap
craving cupcakes
the full nilson
big red robot

You can find all of the links in my blog roll...duh! But it's not titled blogroll so for those of you who are easily confused it is titled cleverly Stop The Insanity!

I did something similiar awhile back if you want to read it. The list above will be added to my sidebar semi-permanently and will change with my mood or the weather.

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